Your contribution means the world to us and has a direct impact on our mission to feed and support our community. There are multiple ways to make a donation: you can easily donate through our website, visit our office in person, give us a call, or opt for a direct bank transfer.

Online: Donate through our secure donation platform on our website:

In-Person: Make a donation at our office on weekdays between 9:00am – 2:00pm: 11 Meath Street, Dublin 8. D08 AC91

Phone or Email: Give us a call at 01 453 6621 or send us an email at [email protected]

Transfer: Donate via a direct bank transfer:

Account Name: Guild of The Little Flower

Account Number: 1070 4298

Bank: Bank of Ireland

Location: 33-34 Arran Quay, Smithfield, Dublin, D07 YP98

IBAN: IE77 BOFI 9008 7710 7042 98


SORT CODE: 90 08 77